sidepants - i wanted to drive at brummie wheels a few years ago but couldnt because i had to be a member or something... i have an MSA National A licence so im not dangerously out of control. can i have an arrive and drive with u and mantis sometime?!?! its right near the trainstation yea?
rofl yea kieran, but still less of a difference to GP (the indoor one) at whilton its about 0.2 per stone, but the track is twice aslong so the difference is half that of GP. anyway, you are banned, if you are that light!
25kg haha, where the hell did you put all that weight? i bet your helmet was made from lead! down here lead is £4 per kilo, so that would make your wallet lighter aswell!
anyway, anywhere we go we will be using twin engine karts, more than double the power of GP karts means weight is much less of a disadvantage this time.
hey if we go to whilton ill be batting round in my 100 Nat, Scawen is first on the list for a go (for research purposes) any maybe u can go sidepants. (i have no idea on your size/height so i cant gaurantee u would fit in my seat!)
seriously, u WOULD notice the difference between a 2 stroke and a hire kart, nothing against hire karts tho they are great fun! i have seen some tracks say 80mph twin engine pro karts :/ sidepants have u been to many other kart circuits? (MSA ones?)
4 drivers per team is a little too much, we can have 30 TEAMS at daytona.
tyres on the track we need kerbs and proper outdoor 'furniture' i went through a fence at 60mph and got knocked out, and look at me now, just fine!! (just to pre-empt any jokes, i know what u are thinking )
looks great, good price too, but the fact u can only have 12 teams makes it a little difficult. definately on the shortlist tho. i thought it was more expensive tbh
EDIT - Just seen the MSA track on the gallery, looks a little corprate'ish with the tyres on the sides. shame, it looked alright
haha like i said people will always go for the one most local (proved above). the only reason i decided to go to GP was because i thought the 1st meet would only be a few of us local lads...
BTW all i have looked into brummie wheels and red lodge, brummie was stupidly expensive (and its in birmingham) and red lodge dont have twin engined pro karts. thought of a track called 3 sisters in manchester (schiz wont have far to go ) but its a little out of the way for most people to go, and the airports arent great around there i think. really we are looking at midlands/london outdoor tracks with twin engine karts...
theres a bar at the track which will be available until 1am and its very nice, in the style of an old mill (its in an old mill, hence whilton mill) which is a few metres from the track. its a great place to chat and play pool and sit outside/whatever. we can then go to northampton in a few taxi minibus things which is about £4 a peice last time i went. its not quite as good of a track as byckmore, but there arent many pubs in the middle of the motorway, and buckmore is a little more costly...
dayona and whilton are twin engine karts aswell. daytona nor buckmore nor whilton have 'confrence' facilities like GP did (that we didnt use) but whilton and daytona have a bar and vending machines etc. the bar at whilton sells very cheap drink aswell. buckmore is the best track by far, but the fact that its miles from anywhere is kinda annoying...
obviously people will suggest places that are nearest to them, but we need to be fair
daytona is 210 for 2 hours
whilton is 160 for 2 hours
buckmore is 147 for 1.5 hours
i would have mounted it on rubber but because of the weight of the camera (almost nothing) it would still vibrate, and wouldnt get damped atall. the only reason why there was the break up is because the computer was inside, and like tristan said 200m away from the furthest part of the circuit.
there were hardly any vibrations, simply i didnt think of getting tristan to put his comp in the pits
sorry! would have been good to have seen fordmans middle finger popping up when i was behind him
only new guys lean to the inside, leaning to the outside transfers weight to the outside and lifts the inside rear wheel, which is designed into the karts to stop it bogging with the solid rear axle when the vid of the UK meet comes, u will see me and 3J leaning outwards
and how u hold the wheel affects the stiffness of the chassis, not so much on an indoor kart, which is why i didnt explain, but on outdoor when u stiffen your arm it plants the inside rear wheel on the floor giving the kart more understeer.
thanks for the suggestion Huru, ill get to that right away!